
March 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

What can I say about Lindsey and Jon? More like what isn't there to say about these two. They love camping, skiing, traveling, tracking down good beer, brewing great beer, and they love each other so, so much. They are a roving duo of awesomeness. They have a puggle named Lena and they are insanely smart. Like "rocket science" smart. For real. Basically they check off all of the boxes on my "perfect client" list. Ok so there isn't an actual list but if I had to sit down and make one I would probably draw inspiration from these two. Oh and I found out during a casual conversation that Lindsey's family gets together every year to stomp grapes and make wine. Whaaat? Best family bonding activity ever.

On top of all of the aforementioned awesomeness, Lindsey and Jon are, first and foremost, two of the sweetest, friendliest, kindest people I have ever met. They are quick to laugh and easy to talk to. By the end of our first cup of iced coffee together I felt like I had known these two for ages.

A few months after our first meeting we met again on a perfect fall day. We drove around the picturesque town of Putney looking for photo worthy locations and, after finding several, ended our trek at Green Mountain Orchard; one of the most beautiful places in Southern VT.  As we hiked around, chatted and took photos I found myself wishing the wedding wasn't a year away.

The wedding took place at one of my favorite southern VT venues, Mt Snow. There are lots of mountains in VT but Snow has THE BEST view from the top. It overlooks the 8 mile long Harriman Resevoir and a sea of other mountains. There are shady spots, perfect for a first look on a bright, sunny day and wide open spaces to experience the views from every angle. The ceremony location is conveniently located at the base of the mountain but set apart from the rest of the resort, out of the way of the hubbub and other events that might be happening. There is a beautiful courtyard for cocktail hour and then a bright, airy ballroom, fabulous for dinner and late night dancing. 

Lindsey and Jon had a perfect day. I could write a small novel about all of the thought and detail that went into this wedding but I will let the images speak for themselves. I do want to give a shoutout to Lindsey and Jon's friend Joe, who officiated their incredibly beautiful and heartfelt ceremony. The fact that they have a friend like Joe to speak on their behalf in such an eloquent way speaks volumes about their character.

The rest of the night flew by. Lindsey's sister Abbey and Jon's best man Nate gave beautiful toasts that had the entire room wiping their eyes while exploding in laughter. There was dinner and dancing just as Mikey and I were packing up our gear, the groom and his junior groomsman Bennet busted out an amazing dance they had choreographed. Mikey unpacked a camera just in time to get a few shots before it was over. It was a perfect way for us to wrap up the night.

Lindsey and Jon, we wish you were close enough to meet up for a few runs at the mountain but we hope you are loving your new home in Arizona and we think of you every time we ski at Mt Snow! You two are amazing and we wish you all the best in your life together! Also, your homebrews were delicious!!!


Cake: Top Tier Baking

Dj: El Folio Entertainment, Arlington, VT

Fowers: Audrey's Flower Shop, Melodey Matthews (aka Bride's amazing sister), Gloucester, MA

Hair: Mountain Styles Salon, West Dover, VT



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