A Breath of Fresh Air

June 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

We all know how it feels to become a little bit stagnant. I may have more internal conversations about it than most people because working for myself - by myself gives me a lot of time to think (and overthink). It is easy to trudge through life putting in the hours and simply "getting through" each day, but to what end?

When I made the decision to move east and go back to school, it was with hope of turning photography into a career. I was driven by the desire to finally love what I did every single day. I was tired of living for my weekends. I wanted more. The past 2 years of being in business have had their ups and downs. It is hard work with many of the same frustrations I have experienced before. My consolation is that they are MY frustrations to deal with. I now appreciate the term "labor of love" and I find that I live for the weekdays as well as the weekends (and really any day I get to spend behind the camera).

Even so, us creative types can start to feel antsy. I love my job. It is amazing to hear people say things like "Wow, I have never looked good in a picture until now"... BUT sometimes I just need to get out there and go a little crazy. Luckily I have a PIC (partner in crime) who feels the same way.

I met Katlyn when I was in school. A friend had scheduled to shoot with her and invited me to jump in. We clicked, our styles meshed and the rest is history. Three years later we still try to get together a couple times a year when we are both in sore need of some creative time. As much as we try to plan, our sessions never quite wind up the way we intend, which is half the fun. We collaborate, feed off of each others' ideas and push ourselves to create better and better images. Oh, and did I mention that Katlyn is fearless? Huge plus.

Yesterday we found ourselves scrambling over rocks and shimmying down cliffs to get to the perfect location. We shot from mid-afternoon until the last rays of sun slipped below the horizon. We came away with 16 gigs of images that give me goosebumps. 

Here's to not settling, becoming complacent or ever letting life become stagnant!



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